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Kumon(Buona Vista Community Club)

Today Opening Time : Closed


36 Holland Drive Buona Vista Community Club #02-08 Singapore 270036 Our Instructors focus on each student, paying careful attention to his or her academic ability and personality, and providing effective support to ensure that he or she can always study at a level that is “just right.” Kumon Instructors acknowledge the growth of each student without comparison to others, while offering praise and encouragement. At the same time, they cooperate closely with parents in monitoring the growth of each student. It is thanks to these dedicated Instructors, who sincerely wish for the growth of their students, that the true benefits of the Kumon Method are achieved. 36 Holland Drive Buona Vista Community Club #02-08 Singapore 270036 我们的教师强调一切为了学生,把学生的学习能力与性格形成放在第一位,为他们保持在最佳学习状态做坚实的后盾。Kumon的老师对待学生的进步,都给予一视同仁的赞赏和鼓励。他们与家长保持着紧密的联系,来促进孩子的发展。 正因为老师们都诚心地盼望学生能够进步,Kumon Method才能在这些尽心尽力的教师队伍的带领下,取得巨大的成功。

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